Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Threats of ‘All-India anti-terrorist Group’ & Misra’s 2nd e-mail by I A Khanzada

IT IS a matter of grave concern that Ambassador of Pakistan in New Delhi has been constantly receiving "death threats". In a 3-paged letter the "all India antiterrorist group" has warned Mr. Shahid Malik, the ambassador of Pakistan in New Delhi to leave India immediately otherwise get ready to face dire consequences. The contents of the letter revealed that AIAT group is openly against Pakistan and do not want to see any Pakistani on Indian soil nor will allow India Government to continue peace talks with Pakistan. Pakistan Interior Ministry launched a strong protest on this threatening note and contacted New Delhi Administration for the provision of safety and security of Pakistani diplomats and officials living in India. In response, Indian increased the security of the ambassador and agreed to investigate the matter, Whether Indian verbal assurances to Shahid Malik or other Pakistani nationals are enough for their security? Absolutely No! Pakistan must raise the issue at UN and international level, because not only Hindu radicals like Bel Thakary and many other Hindu extremist leaders have been giving similar type of threatening statements, but also demanding to sever diplomatic relations with Pakistan. During the past two weeks, what happened to one fast bowler, and two Pakistani actors in India, (In the backdrop of the intriguing politics, had the writers, actors, players, journalists and other people associated with other tiers of society, any iota of self-respect, they would have learnt the lesson from the ill-treatment met in Mumbai by the two actors linked with stage).The threat of AIAT group should be taken seriously. Not only Hindu extremist organizations and its leader are proliferating hatred propaganda/material against Pakistan, Islam or Muslim, Indian electronic media and Mumbai Film Industry are also following the same suit. India's latest film 'A Wednesday' projected the activities of "All India anti-terrorist Group" through one individual Naseer-ud-Din Shah (the renowned Indian film actor). The film is a clear departure from traditional Indian feature films, which are normally glamorized by dances and songs, besides dwelling on traditional theme of immortal romance- The subjectmatter of the movie encompasses of Muslims, Islamic terrorism and their real perpetuators sitting in the guise of intelligence/secret agencies as their controller-handlers. The film is capable of exhorting a normal Individual to such an extent where he can attack any individual alleged for abetting terrorism by the India government.Nevertheless, there is every possibility that Indian RAW might have selffabricated the letter addressed to Pakistan Ambassador so as to increase the pressure on Pakistan (anyhow Pakistan President also received a threatening telephonic call from Indian Interior Ministry). The Mumbai attacks of Nov 26 that were used with enormous success as a part of propaganda warfare against Pakistan during initial days, is now gradually losing ground. With the passage of time, the Mumbai attacks have been labelled as "Mumbai drama" not only in most of the international media but also are echoed in the inner circles of Indian polity.Now it is the responsibility of our policy maker and think-tanks in the Government to reconsider the policy of appeasing Hindus. Pakistan directed every concerted effort to make the region peaceful through initiating peace process and starting confidence building measures during the past one decade. All type of cooperation has been extended to the Indian people as well as Indian Government machinery leading towards healthy relations. Many Indian prisoners in Pakistani jails who massacred hundreds of Muslims have been set free to return back to their homelands in good health. Whereas, those Pakistani prisoners languishing in Indian jails returned back from India, either suffering from psychological disorders or in the coffins due to torturous conditions. (The conditions of these Pakistani prisoners were so pathetic that most of them died in the course of time).We had accepted with open arm all those Indian delegates opposing the partition of Indo-Pakistan sub-continent and two-nation theory in 1947, have tried to pollute the minds of Pakistani by favouring the doctrine of "Akrand Sharat". If any cable operator telecast any Pakistani channel mistakenly, he is liable for 2 years imprisonment and a penalty of at least one lakh rupees. On the contrary, just see our generosity. Set aside the cable operators, our private TV channels (except Waqt TV) telecast nothing but Indian film and documentary programme as a recreational activity to the Pakistani viewers. (Although we know that the amount of negative effects Indian media onslaught has on Pakistani society). Despite understanding the traditional hypocrisy of Indian Hindu mentality, when India stopped water of our rivers, we not only kept quite, we did not even raise the issue internationally because India may not get annoyed and cease the so called peace talks which have become the mockery since six decades. India media disclosed that one serving Indian Lt Col along with others army officers have accepted the responsibility of destroying Samjhota Express. In spite of the fact that Samjhota train blast took the toll of 300 innocent Pakistani lives, we did not launch the •protest. We did not initiate diplomatic drive against India because we have entered into such a treaty with Indian which says, what ever the magnitude of terrorist act, it is binding on both the countries not to let bilateral relationships be hampered by it. The issue should not be referred to third party arbitration and avoid issuing threatening alarms of war to each other.But what happened? While India staging a bloody drama on Nov 26, first attempted to defame Pakistan amongst comity of nations, and then through successful "posturing" pushed Pakistan against the wall and forcing it into an apologetic mode, In Mumbai affair, see the weak stance of India when Pakistan under enormous stress, threatened Indian that if India keep on harping the rhetoric of complicity of Pakistan in Mumbai blasts and reiterating their demand for repatriation alleged Pakistani, then Pakistan has the right to demand for handing over of Lt Col Purohit involved in the blast of Samjhota Express. Onthis, Indian Defence Minister promptly retaliated that India will never hand over the serving Col to Pakistan.But Indian scholar cum journalists, Amaresh Misra's latest revelations proved the full involvement of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi and owners of 5-star hotels "Taj Mahal", and "Oberoi hotel" in the Mumbai attacks. It is incumbent on the Government to ask for the handing over of Col Purohit and other military officers, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Singh Modi and owners of 5-star hotels "Taj Mahal", and "Oberoi hotel" to Pakistani authorities for bringing the alleged perpetrators to justice and arriving at a logical end to the Mumbai inquiry. And if India refuses to do so, then Pakistan must take up the issue to UN Security Council and demand from the world that if Security Council can ban Kashmiri freedom fighter movement, LeT and JuD and their leaders arrested, then the Indian extremist organizations should also be include in the list of banned outfits responsible for communal strife in India. All the India extremist leaders should be arrested forthwith whose authenticity of being terrorists is given by Indian media itself.Now let us see Indian journalist Amaresh Misra's second e-mail published on December 21, 2008. After going through Misra's first e-mail, many readers have asked for the original script, which was duly provided. Now second e-mail is published. After going through the second e-mail, it can be inferred from the contents that the cold war started between the secular Hindu segment and Hindu extremists, has been turned into violent confrontation. November 26 carnage can be termed as the first violent encounter between the two factions. Nevertheless, the most dangerous outcome of this confrontation is that Indian media and the extremist element in the Government have succeeded to scapegoat their internal conflict on Pakistan. This is not a good indication. It is imperative to defeat this Pakistan bashing which is not only imperative for the sovereignty of Pakistan but also important for the safety of 250 millions of Muslims residing in India. It has a singular purpose of creating awareness amongst world community regarding the evil design of Hindu extremists coupled with the objective of unearthing the CIA & Mossad agenda bent on making the region into a hell by supporting Hindu extremist's anti-minority policy.

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